David A. Morrow, III, DVM, PhD
David Morrow grew up on a dairy farm and attended a one-room elementary school in Sinking Valley, near Tyrone, PA. Throughout his school years, Dave was involved in the family dairy farm and in 4-H. After graduation from Tyrone High School in 1952, Dave took his home interests to college, majoring in dairy science at Penn State University where he continued his leadership activities in student organizations related to agriculture. He was named “Mr. Agriculture” (the outstanding senior award) and graduated in 1956 with a BS in Dairy Science.
After Penn State, David next attended the New York State College of Veterinary Medicine at Cornell University and earned the DVM degree in 1960. After a short time in large animal veterinary practice back in Sinking Valley, Dr. Morrow began graduate studies at Cornell. He was a clinical instructor while a graduate student; he discovered he enjoyed both clinical research and teaching veterinary students. Dr. Morrow earned the PhD from Cornell University in 1967.
In 1968, Dr. Morrow was appointed associate professor of veterinary medicine at the Michigan State University College of Veterinary Medicine. During the next 22 years, he taught over 2,000 veterinary students and wrote over 200 publications based on his clinical research and its application to dairy farmers. He received the Norden Distinguished Teaching Award from Michigan State University in 1975. His students voted him their outstanding teacher in 1979, 1980, 1984, 1985 and 1986. He received two prestigious national awards from the American Veterinary Medical Association for his research during that time period—The Borden Award for dairy cattle disease research in 1980 and the American Feed Manufacturing Association Veterinary Medical Research Award in 1982. Dr. Morrow retired from Michigan State University in 1990 with the rank of Professor Emeritus. In 1993, the MSU College of Veterinary Medicine named him an Honorary Alumnus, in part based on the success of his students, which they attributed to their mentor and professor. As a result of his outstanding career in support of the dairy industry, Dr. Morrow was named World Dairy Expo Industry Person of the Year in 1997.
Dr. Morrow has been an enthusiastic and committed volunteer for Penn State University. He served on the board of the College of Agricultural Sciences Alumni Society and was president from 1987-1989. He was elected to the Alumni Council of Penn State and was president of the Penn State Alumni Association from 1991-1993. He helped to found the Penn State Greek Alumni Interest Group and was president from 1997 – 2000. After moving to State College in 1990, Dr. Morrow became an active alumni adviser of Omicron Delta Kappa, a leadership honor society at Penn State. He was elected to the Penn State Board of Trustees by representatives of agricultural societies and served as a trustee for 15 years. He was named Emeritus Trustee in 2002.
Many groups at Penn State have awarded Dr. Morrow honors in recognition of his accomplishments. In 1984 the Department of Dairy Science dedicated that year’s Dairy Exposition to him. The Department of Dairy and Animal Science named him Distinguished Alumnus in 1992. In 1998 the Penn State Alumni Association named him Alumni Fellow (their highest award). Golden Key Honor Society named Dr. Morrow an Honorary Member in 1994. The Penn State Lion Ambassadors made him an Honorary Lion Ambassador in 1995 in recognition of his support for that student group. He was awarded the Lion’s Paw Medal in 2002 for his contributions of notable service to Penn State, especially by enhancing student life. Also in 2002 the College of Agricultural Sciences named him a charter member of the Armsby Honor Society, a lifetime service award.
Dr. Morrow resides in State College with his wife, Linda. They own Arch Spring Farm in Sinking Valley where they host bed and breakfast guests. Their three children, Austin, Laurie and Melanie, have graduated from college and have their own careers. Dr. Morrow currently serves on the Holstein Foundation Board of Trustees, on the Ft. Roberdeau (Sinking Valley) Board of Directors, and the Pasto Agricultural Museum Board of Directors. He was a judge of the Lycoming county Dairy Princess contest in June 2003 and will go to Haiti in late October for a week as part of the mission team of the State College Presbyterian Church. A pretty amazing life for a Tyrone-area “farm boy.”