    Registration/Enrollment Information 
    Registration for students who are new to the Tyrone Area School District is conducted at the Administrative Offices, located at 701 Clay Avenue, Tyrone, PA 16686. The office entrance is located on the left-hand side of our elementary school. The office is open from 7:30 am-3:30 pm, Monday-Friday, except for holidays. The telephone number is 814-684-0710 ext. 4138 or email the district registrar. An appointment is recommended. An enrollment packet can be picked up at our office or you can register online by clicking the register online link below.
    In order to make the registration process as efficient as possible, we are providing a checklist. You must provide the following items to complete the enrollment process.  You will have the ability to upload these documents in the online registration.  
    1. Proof of the student's date of birth -- birth certificate issued by a government agency, passport, or baptismal certificate if the date of birth is shown.  Hospital birth certificates are not accepted.  
    2. A list of the student's immunizations and dates they were given.  A list from your doctor is recommended, but it can also be a list that you have kept since the student was a baby.  Evidence of immunizations is required by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.  Medical, ethical, and religious exemptions are possible.  Starting with the 2011-12 school year, there are new immunization requirements for all students.  Click on the link to the left to see the Department of Health flyer with the new requirements.
    3. Proof that the parent/guardian lives in the Tyrone Area School District (deed, lease, or current utility bill for place of residence).
    4. Guardianship & Custody Orders (if applicable).  Persons with legal guardianship or legal custody of the student must bring a copy of the court document(s) granting the guardianship or custody. 

    Please make sure when registering that you click on the appropriate school year and grade when creating an enrollment.  There are times when enrollment is open for the current school year and for the following school year.  There are also separate registrations for Preschool and Kindergarten. 

    Register Online

    Preschool and Kindergarten registration for the 2024-2025 school year will be opening soon for online registration.
    Kindergarten - Children who are five years old on or before September 1st are eligible for Kindergarten.  Online registration will open in April.  You must use the Kindergarten Registration for 2024-2025 form which will not be active until April.  

    K3 and K4 Preschool Programs-  Children must be 3 or 4 by September 1 to be eligible for our preschool programs.  For admission into our preschool program, you will need to provide the listed items below.  Online registration will be open: March 1st.  You must use the Preschool Registration for the 2024-2025 school year form. Current K3 going to K4 for the 2024-2025 school year will also use this link to register for the fall.  

    • Your Child’s Birth Certificate
    • Your Child's Immunizations/Physical
    • Your family income (2022 W-2’s preferred, or 2 recent pay stubs for each adult in the household that is working).
    • Proof of residency (current utility bill, credit card bill, driver’s license, a lease, or a deed)