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Use of School Facilities


In recognition of the fact that the public schools are established, maintained and operated by funds provided by local and state sources and that schools belong to the community, the Board will make its school facilities available for community purposes, provided that such use does not interfere with the educational activities and programs of the school district. 

 The intent of the policy is that school facilities will be available primarily for use by organized residents and community groups within the confines of the Tyrone Area School District.  Groups are permitted to use school facilities when such use conforms to the established regulations and does not interfere with the school programs or school maintenance.  Citizens must realize, however, that school property is not public property, and is subject to reasonable regulations of the Board.

 Governmental agencies may use school facilities for hearings and meetings that are open to the public.  School facilities may be used for voter registration.

 No organization that discriminates on the basis of race, creed, color, national origin, sex, age or handicap as defined by law shall be permitted to use the district facilities. 

 School facilities may not be used for any activity or event forbidden by law or policy.

 Use of school facilities will not be permitted for commercial purposes or for functions conducted for personal profit.

 The board reserves the right to deny permission to use its facilities when it deems this action to be in the best interest of the school system.

Use of School Facilities and Equipment