Kindergarten-6th Cyber Program
Start Date:
The IU Cyber program will officially begin on September 2, 2020. Once you have your device, you should log into your account and begin completing the “Ignite” preparation assignments that are designed to introduce the students and parents to the program, pacing, time commitment, etc… The assignments available from now until Sept. 2nd are highly recommended. The assignments beginning on Sept. 2nd are required. Please note- Your child is NOT being marked absent at school since your program has not began yet!
Attendance will be counted based on work completion. The IU cyber program will assign each student with 5 days of work (1 week) and will allow the student 7 days to complete the assignments. If all work is completed within those 5 days, you are considered “in attendance” for that week. So… if you have an appointment and cannot work on Thursday, you can make up the work on Saturday. There is a rumor that you need to be logged in by 10:00 each day for attendance, this is NOT correct. There is no requirement on log-in time or length of a day, the assignments simply need to be completed. Each student’s learning guide (teacher) will communicate this information to me weekly. If your child does not complete work and therefore, is not in attendance, TASD will follow our regular attendance policy for tracking truancy.
Device pick-up:
By now, you should have received a call to pick up your child’s device at the ELEMENTARY main office. If you have not done so, please plan to pick up your device between 8:30 and 2:30 ASAP. The IU has opted to use workbooks rather than to provide printers to students. The workbooks have not arrived yet, but when they do, you be able to stop at the school and pick those up as well.
Learning Coach:
Once your child has officially logged into Canvas, you will receive an e-mail from your child’s learning coach (teacher). This is the person that will be your main contact moving forward. Be sure to watch both your e-mail and your child’s e-mail account. You will also receive log-in information via e-mail. This is the log-in information you will need to enter Canvas.
This is the program that will house all of your child’s assignments. You will access your account by visiting From the homepage, click on CPDLF Learner Resources and then select Canvas.
Technology assistance:
From the CPDLF Learner Resource tab described above, click on CPDLF Help Desk. You can still complete a ticket without logging in. Just click on submit a ticket on that page. Send an e-mail to this address and someone will assist you pretty quickly.
If you have academic questions or concerns, please e-mail the Principal Kim Salyards at