General Information
The Tyrone Area School District encompasses 176 square miles and includes the Borough of Tyrone and townships in the northern tip of Blair County, crossing into Centre County (Taylor Township) and Huntingdon County (Warriors Mark and Franklin Townships). Approximately 12,600 people reside within the district’s boundaries.
Student population is stabilized with some growth in the Snyder Township and Warriors Mark Township areas. The district is, to a great extent, a rural area for residents who work in Blair County with a growing number who are employed in the State College area.
The school district provides a quality of education for its students at a cost well below the state average. Annual budgets reflect program continuity and expansion, while maintaining taxes at a reasonable level. About 28 percent of the revenues are derived from taxes and other local sources, while the state provides subsidies equivalent to about 67 percent of overall revenues with the remaining five percent from federal sources. The district spends the bulk of its funds directly on instruction.
In partnership with the community, our mission is to offer progressive educational opportunities that empower students to be responsible citizens and life-long learners in our democracy and global society.