• 7th Grade Expectations:  All 7th grade students are expected to abide by the following guidelines:

    • Students must be prepared for class everyday.  They must bring with them:
      • Pen or pencil (no light colored gel pens)
      • Textbook
      • Notebook & Folder
      • Agenda
    • Student must be on time to class.  Students are expected to be in their seats by the time the tardy bell rings.
    • Students must be kind, courteous and respectful to others. (teachers, students, etc…)
    • Students must practice honesty and integrity at all times.  (no cheating or plagiarism)


    Mike Whitling- Science

    Lisa Rivard - English/Language Arts

    Ryan Pastva - Math

    Joshua King- Social Studies

    Derek Mathews - Math

    Gwen Miller- English/Language Arts

    Jennifer Bryan- Learning Support