1. Open the district webpage (http:\\www.tyrone.k12.pa.us)
    1. Click on “Sapphire Portal.”
    1. You will be brought to a login page.   Each student has been provided with a login account on the Sapphire Community Web Portal as follows:
      • Your username is your school computer login username.
      • Your password is your school computer login password.
      • Your PIN # is the first five digits of your school lunch number (student id #).
    1. After logging into the portal, click on the tab labeled “Course Requests.”
    1. Complete the course request form by selecting the check box next to each course you are requesting. 
    1. In many cases, teachers have provided course recommendations for you.  Course recommendations will appear as pre-selected on the course request form.   Recommendations for English, Math, Social Studies, and Science courses are based on academic performance, and you cannot override these recommendations.
    1. For elective courses, you will select a minimum of two additional alternate courses that will be scheduled if the primary requests cannot be fulfilled.  Select courses as an alternate by checking the box under the alternate column.
    1. With your selection complete, click the “Save Course Requests” button.
    1. You will then put your alternate requests in order of preference by clicking on the green arrows and dragging.
    1. Click the “Save Course Requests” button again.
    1. A schedule summary page will be displayed.  You should review this page carefully.  When you are satisfied that it is correct and complete, you should print the schedule summary page.   
    1. You must sign a copy of the printout of your 2024-2025 course requests.
    1. You must also have a parent/guardian sign a copy of the printout of your 2024-2025 course requests.
    1. The copy signed by you and your parent must be returned to the HS Guidance office on or before March 15, 2024.


               Mid-year course assignments for English, Math, Science, and Social Studies made during scheduling are subject to change.  To more accurately reflect a student’s course placement, course assignments may be reevaluated during the summer based on the student’s final course grade, class performance, and Keystone assessment results.  Parent/Guardian requests to change final course assignments will not be honored.

    After March 15, 2024, any requests to make changes to your 2024-2025 course requests must be submitted on a course request change form to the HS Guidance office before April 30, 2024.  

    2024-2025 FINAL STUDENT SCHEDULES WILL BE AVAILABLE on the Sapphire Community Web Portal – Mid August 2024