• ATTENDANCE: Frequently Asked Questions

    How many total days is my student allowed to miss school?

    Students are allowed to miss up to 12 days of school with a parent excuse for an approved reason (such as an illness).  After 12 days, students must have an excuse from a licensed physician.  Students who are absent 18 or more days are considered “chronically absent.” Students who miss school on a continual basis run the risk of being retained in their current grade level. 

    How many days do I have to hand in an excuse?

    Students have 3 school days to hand in a signed parent excuse to the middle school main office.

    What is an unexcused/ unlawful absence?

    An unexcused/ unlawful absence occurs when a valid excuse is not provided to the school within three days.  Unlawful pertains to students of compulsory school age (6-18), and unexcused pertains to students outside of the compulsory age group.

    How many days can my student be dismissed early from school?

    Students are allowed 5 early dismissals with a parent excuse only.  All other early dismissals require an excuse from a licensed physician.  All time out of school is totaled toward the student’s total number of days absent.

    How many days can my student be late for school?

    Tardy minutes add up and students with tardy minutes totaling 1 day of school will be charged with missing a day of school.  After 12 tardies, students can face disciplinary consequences. Students are expected to be in their advisory classroom by 8AM. 

    What if we are taking a family educational trip?

    Students can be approved for family educational trips totaling up to 5 total days.  Families wishing to go on a trip should submit an FET form to the school principal approximately one month prior to the trip.  Trip days after the initial 5 days will be considered unlawful/ unexcused. 

    Why would my student be denied a family educational trip and what does that mean?

    If a family educational trip is not approved, it simply means that the absence will be classified as unexcused/ unlawful.  Students can be denied due to the following reasons:

    • The student already has 12 absences
    • The student is on the academic ineligibility list
    • The student has been suspended from school
    • The trip takes place during state testing

    What is truancy?

    Truancy pertains to students who obtain 3 or more unlawful absences.  After 3 unlawful absences, parents will be prompted to participate in a Student Attendance Improvement Conference to remedy the issue.  Students with 6 or more unlawful absences are considered “habitually truant” and can face consequences.

    What are the consequences for truancy?

    There are a variety of potential consequences for truancy, which could include:

    • Referral to a school or community-based attendance improvement program
    • Referral to County Children and Youth Services
    • Referral to the District Magistrate with potential fines

    These are all consequences that can be avoided if students and parents are able to remedy the situation. 

    Will the school communicate with me if there are attendance concerns?

    Yes, the school will send letters for 5 and 10 tardies; 5, 10, 12, & 25 absences; 3 & 5 early dismissals; and 3 unlawful absences. 

    Additional Questions?

    • All attendance information is available in expanded form in our Student/ Parent Handbook.
    • Please direct all questions about attendance to tamsattend@tyrone.k12.pa.us